Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Cybersecurity

The Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Cybersecurity focuses on a number of target areas which the two parties want to explore. Among the topics covered are Internet security, security of critical infrastructures, industrial security (Industrie 4.0), cloud security and privacy.
Internet infrastructure
Security of the fundamental building blocks, such as routing and naming systems, comprising the foundations of the Internet, is critical to the security and stability of the Internet clients and services. Unfortunately, the Internet infrastructure, as well as the services that it provides, is subject to numerous attacks. We research vulnerabilities in the Internet infrastructure, such as those allowing to intercept the communication, and design countermeasures preventing the attacks.
Cloud platforms
Cloud offers a convenient platform providing hosting and management of services for customers. However, coresidence and sharing of the platform between multiple customers (often with conflicting interests), introduces new security challenges. We research security aspects, such as isolation on a network layer, as well as infrastructure guarantees provided by the cloud platform.
A majority of the attacks against end users exploit vulnerabilities in the web as well as in incorrect or vulnerable deployment of cryptographic mechanisms. Securing the web is critical to enabling clients to perform online transactions and communications, and important for guaranteeing profit of the service providers. We evaluate security of browsers, and communication channel.
Voice over IP and mobile communication
Telephony is increasingly operated over IP networks. Intercepting phone communication is detrimental to privacy and security of individuals, organisations and governments. We investigate vulnerabilities exposing to attacks and design countermeasures preventing them.
Industrie 4.0 and cyber physical systems
Elements involved in production of Industrie 4.0 are interconnected between themselves and the Internet. Cyber physical system monitor physical processes, sensors and devices. Within this context we also study industrial control systems, in particular, SCADA. Securing the communication is substantial to preventing catastrophic events and incidents. We research fault tolerance and evaluate vulnerabilities pertaining to communication between the devices on the grid.