Board of trustees

Fraunhofer SIT is counselled by an advisory board. Members of the board come from business, research, political and administrative backgrounds.

Guus Dekkers
Tesco | Chief Technology Officer

Andreas Könen

Dr. Ulrike Mattig
Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Claudia Plattner
Federal Office for Information Security BSI | Director

Dr.-Ing. Heike Prasse
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Martin Schallbruch
govdigital | CEO

Dr. Stefan Sigg
Software AG | Chief Product Officer

Job offers

Fraunhofer SIT seeks scientific staff, partly also for management positions

You will be responsible for planning, leading, executing and representing applied R&D projects, jointly with clients and partners from industry, government agencies and academia.